[Sticks & Stoned]

Sticks & Stoned™

Stop motion comedy series chronicling the lives of stick figures Sticks and Stoned and their pals (Joe King® + others) as they overcome life issues (Hissues®) usually from Joe King’s Comedy Club (favorite hangout spot) or Stick’s loft 

Sticks loves his family and friends just don’t ask him to play Hangman (he lost his uncle to Hangman). Sticks modeled for the wet floor sign and his grandpa was the crosswalk sign model 

Stoned is the local hope dealer as he encourages everyone to keep the faith. Stoned is proud of being the men’s restroom sign model (which helps explain why he loves Toilet Paper Ave) 

With these original, comical characters that deliver inspiring messages within this stop motion series, we have established a franchise that will intrigue, entrance and entertain a global audience for generations to come 



Cast: tba 

Runtime: 22 minutes 

Streaming on: tba

Animation: tba

Director: tba

Writer: William Pen

Manager: Betsy Berg

Executive producer: William Pen 



Season 1




Episode 1: Hissues® (TV-14 | 22 min) 

You wanna hang man? Don’t be a pair uh noids!



Episode 2: Local Hope Dealer (TV-14 | 22 min) 

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names won’t hurt me! Stoned asks ‘water you doing?’




Episode 3: No bun intended (TV-14 | 22 min)

A visit to Yankee Stadium with some guys named Frank (Ballpark Franks) no bun intended. I’ll tell ya one thing (not two things), two heads are better than one, but I have a forehead 




Episode 4: Spare me (TV-14 | 22 min)   

Sticks and the gang go bowling for dollars




Episode 5: Moneyfesting (TV-14 | 22 min) 

Stoned does some moneyfesting™. To fart or not to fart, that is the question. #moneyfesting 




Episode 6: Elf made man (TV-14 | 22 min) 

Sticks wants to move to the North Pole. Stoned has Poop Cookies® for stress relief #poopcookies




Episode 7: The Bills (TV-14 | 22 min) 

Billionaires, Post No Bills, Dollar Bills, Billiards, Billboards, Playbills, Billfolds




Episode 8: Toilet Paper Ave. (TV-14 | 22 min) 

Stoned does some essential bathroom reading with the Number 2 Book in America! Toilet paper plays an important role in his life #ToiletPaperAve